Feelings, We are Here 1.22.21

Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all.

Today is a magnificent day. Today is a day of which you all have dreamed. Today is the day that you see what truly is

what truly is, is within you,

what truly is emanates from you

what truly is, is a vibration, which is a match to an experience. An experience, which is most aligned and attuned by feeling it within myself.


We are suggesting in a kind and loving manner that you get in touch with your feelings. Your feelings is where prayers are answered. You are always receiving a response, but you may not always be able to interpret that response. Sometimes it may take you getting quiet, you sitting, you finding a better feeling place, whether that is in your mind space, through shifting what you're thinking, or through physically changing your location. We do not mind. It is your experience. We inspire you, because we love ourselves. Ourselves.( It is us.)


 You are an aspect of us in a different time space dimension in a different experience with a different mindset. We told you when you were young, that each being on this planet is just you and how you would have turned out---In that situation, with that conditioning, and that energetic vibration. The others around us are not different from us. They are energies too. They are light beings too. We see that you agree how tough this world can be. We see that you have taken much time to research and identify that. The next step is love and compassion. Compassion is what brings you more fully into your being, the compassion is what drives forward, the creation of love. It shows the intelligence and understanding of knowing who and what you are and what your role is in this experience this world. This game.


We want you to experience the fullness of it. The playful nature and the smooth and easy path of which you can walk through any reality. We want you to embody the empowering essence that is you.


Why do you think they keep you so busy?

 Why do you think that they hide from you the things that would serve you the most?


They know where the quiet leads the ego knows that when it is quiet it cannot help to hear and see and feel and experience the beauty of love. And all that is. We were not taught that we are our own blocks, we are our own blocks shifting the blame to something outside of ourselves. That is just a distraction. Also sloppy version of creation. It brings you down a path of denial and deception, where you take your focus away from yourself. Your self is the highest and most beautiful thing. We can repeat ourselves all day long. But until you open your mind, and you start to release those hard judgmental resentment unloving blocks. Then our words remain meaningless to you


It is all in the mind, healing is changing your mind, healing is changing your mind to allow more love to flow in and out. As is inside is outside. Everyone's external world is merely trying to show them what is inside of them. And in the quiet and the downtime, the alone time, you will be shown what you need to see. You will feel those beings; angelic, past loved ones extraterrestrial, universe, creator, source. Whatever it is that you connect with. It will appear.


Raise yourself up and meet these beings halfway, meet them where they are. For those meetings are much more pleasant in the higher dimensions.


Be in joy. Be in peace. Seek freedom. Set intention for what you are. For we are listening and answering your prayers.


We are here. We are here we are here. We are here, we are here, we are here. This is an exciting new time. We would like to do an energetic transmission at this time. If you wish you can sit and close your eyes.


The places where I have italicized, indicate a few words in from the Pleiadeans. I often receive transmissions from them both, kind of like a conversation.


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