Channeling the Sacred Heart Event
November 18th 2023 1pm-7pm EST
Hi Light Surfers,
((Greetings dear beings, may the loving energies of this message be received by you well.))
Happy November Light Surfers! Brittany here, and I am feeling excitement for the colder months, the time of year when the slowdown of events and energies provides quiet time to go within. Winter can be a challenging time, but it can also provide the perfect conditions for tapping more deeply into the heart and who we are as unconditionally loving beings. Since spending time exploring the beautiful energies coming from my Sacred Heart, my life has completely changed. In the colder seasons, instead of feeling the urge to get away, I bask in the uninterrupted time which allows the deepness of my heart to be expressed through playing guitar, singing, writing and connecting with my guides. In these moments I feel full of love, balanced and as if time goes by both slowly and fast. It is so precious and so healing. Tapping into your sacred heart is the one of the most loving acts a being can do for themselves. That energy is a portal to each being's most beautiful earth timeline, one we are all worthy of experiencing.
I am excited to announce that I have been invited to channel in a beautiful event
Channeling The Sacred Heart - A Day of Women Channelers
just in time for this season where our hearts have the time and space to fully expand.
Hosted by author, spiritual student and sweet love Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley, The Sacred Heart will include featured beautiful high frequency channelers (below), a direct energy transmission, unique channeled messages, a sound bath, live hour-long Q&A and a recording link.
What is the Sacred Heart?
"The Sacred Heart holds the High Heart. It is the bridge between you and Source - Creation, All that Is. This heart opening chamber is where truth resides in you. It is your access point to higher dimensional frequencies, higher light frequencies and higher love. It holds truth, it is truth, it is you, the real you. You have entered a time when the heart will be in the forefront of all endeavors, all decisions, and all creations infused with love. It is from the heart, the Sacred Heart, where you consciously create the New you are ready to emerge. Trust in you. Trust in your heart. Trust your connection to Source and know as truth dwells in you, love dwells in you. And so it is."
If you so feel inspired and wish to experience Channeling the Sacred Heart, please go to
Enter discount code: bhistingSH23 for $5 off the event. The code is effective until November 17th at 9:30pm (PST).
Thank you, beautiful beings, for your attention, intention and love. It is more meaningful than words can describe.
Love & Light,
Brittany at Surfing Waves of Light
PS-- Last year, I channeled a rewrite to the song Praying by Kesha. It came through in the moment with no writing or practicing and told a beautiful story. My guides have showed me that was a moment when I was tapping into my Sacred Heart energies. To watch the video please click here.
Musical Channeling "Praying": A Message, Musical Meditation & Story